Kullanılmış Madeni Yağ Analizi (OCM) Laboratuvarı


Opening of the OCM Laboratory in Kocaeli

TÜV AUSTRIA TURK tarafından 2,5 milyon avroluk yatırımla kurulan Kullanılmış Madeni Yağ Analizi (OCM) Laboratuvarı, Kocaeli’nde basının da yoğun ilgisi ile açıldı !

Kullanılmış madeni yağ analizi hizmeti sunacak laboratuvar yatırımıyla endüstriyel ekipmanların yağlarının sürekli izlenmesi ve analiz edilmesiyle erken arızaların tespiti, bakım optimizasyonu, verimlilik artışı, güvenlik ve çevresel uyumun sağlanması hedefleniyor.

Altyapısı, cihaz, personel, eğitim ve yazılım sistemlerinin tamamını kapsayan 2 milyon 500 bin avro yatırımla kurulan test laboratuvarda, yurt içi ve yurt dışından gelecek yağların analizleri yapılacak.

European Hydrogen Week


European Hydrogen Week
TÜV AUSTRIA TURK took part in the event in Belgium

TÜV AUSTRIA Vorstände Stefan Haas, CEO (l), und Christoph Wenninger, CFO (r), überreichten den Bethel High School-Projektinitiatoren Jacques Konkobo und Peter Klein (Mitte, v.l.n.r.) eine Spende von €15.000,- (C) TÜV AUSTRIA Mario Koller

TÜV AUSTRIA supports Burkina Faso school project

Project Nanoro
Bethel High School Opening in Sight

Three years after the start of construction, the Nanoro project is nearing completion. The buildings have been erected, the photovoltaic system has been installed, and in October Bethel High School will open its doors to the first 300 students. TÜV AUSTRIA has been supporting the project since 2019.

v.l.: Dipl.-Umweltwiss. Mag. Markus Manz (CEO Software Competence Center Hagenberg (SCCH)), Wirtschafts- und Forschungs-Landesrat Markus Achleitner, Landeshauptmann Mag. Thomas Stelzer und DI Dr. Stefan Haas (CEO TÜV AUSTRIA) (c) Land OÖ/Peter Mayr


The Seal of Quality for Artificial Intelligence
Austria’s first AI testing and qualification hub

TÜV AUSTRIA and the Software Competence Center Hagenberg (SCCH) announced the founding of Austria’s first AI testing and qualification hub at a press conference with the Governor of Upper Austria Mag. Thomas Stelzer and the Provincial Minister for Economics and Research Markus Achleitner.


Gianni Esposito_Crescenzo die Fratta_c_TÜV AUSTRIA


TÜV AUSTRIA acquires NTI-Italia S.r.l.
Portfolio expansion in Italy

The company has established itself successfully on the Italian market, especially in the field of periodic inspection of work equipment.

Research facility "Underground Sun Storage 2030" Picture credits: RAG / TV 1


Underground Sun Storage:
TÜV AUSTRIA tests the world’s first geological hydrogen storage facility

European Hydrogen Week
Projekt Nanoro | Verwaltungsgebäude | Bethel High School in Burkina Faso
TÜV AUSTRIA Vorstände Stefan Haas, CEO (l), und Christoph Wenninger, CFO (r), überreichten den Bethel High School-Projektinitiatoren Jacques Konkobo und Peter Klein (Mitte, v.l.n.r.) eine Spende von €15.000,- (C) TÜV AUSTRIA Mario Koller
v.l.: Dipl.-Umweltwiss. Mag. Markus Manz (CEO Software Competence Center Hagenberg (SCCH)), Wirtschafts- und Forschungs-Landesrat Markus Achleitner, Landeshauptmann Mag. Thomas Stelzer und DI Dr. Stefan Haas (CEO TÜV AUSTRIA) (c) Land OÖ/Peter Mayr
Gianni Esposito_Crescenzo die Fratta_c_TÜV AUSTRIA
Research facility "Underground Sun Storage 2030" Picture credits: RAG / TV 1

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