Solution: Services for Users of electronic ID (eID) and Trust Service Providers (TSP)

Solution: Services for Users of electronic ID (eID) and Trust Service Providers (TSP)


Region: Deutschland

Waltherstraße 49-51 51069 Köln Deutschland

+49 221 9697890

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Services for Users of electronic ID (eID) and Trust Service Providers (TSP)

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Since 2015, the strategy for a digital European internal market has been at the top of the EU Commission‘s list of priorities. As a result, corresponding legal regulations such as eIDAS (EU Regulation 910/2014) or the Payment Services Directive 2 (PSD-2, EU Regulation 2366/2015) were developed. They define the EU-wide legally binding basis for secure data exchange in many industries, in particular for digital financial transactions and trade relations. All affected companies face the challenge of integrating these legal requirements into their technical and organisational processes.

But how exactly can processes using qualified trust services, a qualified signature or a seal be implemented? How can trust services according to eIDAS cover the requirements of the PSD-2? When exactly is the strong authentication required in the PSD-2 strong enough? We will gladly help you answer all these questions and implement electronic identification (eID) and trust services in compliance with the regulations.

  • Overview of the compliance status of your implemented solution
  • Further training of your employees by our experts with many years of experience in a wide variety of industries
  • Know-how transfer by our qualified employees
  • Independent, objective and neutral support by TÜV TRUST IT as a recognised TÜV organisation

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  • Kişi Sertifikası

  • Ürün Sertifikası

  • Sistem Sertifikası

  • Uygunluk Doğrulaması

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