Solution: Support with official procedures

Solution: Support with official procedures

Compliance Services Team

Region: Österreich

TÜV AUSTRIA-Platz 1 2345 Brunn am Gebirge Österreich

+43 5 0454 1410

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2345 Brunn am Gebirge
Tel: +43 (0)504 54-6048
Fax: +43 (0)504 54-8145

Support with official procedures

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"TÜV AUSTRIA accompanies companies in official procedures and assists in the preparation of required documents."

TÜV AUSTRIA assists companies with official procedures

Increased competition and the globalization of the economy demand ever greater flexibility from companies. Companies must therefore react more and more quickly to changing market requirements and sales markets. Often, rapid increases in production, expansions and extensions or changes in machinery are necessary in order to remain competitive.

In most cases, it is necessary to apply to the relevant authorities for permission to make such changes to the plant, so that the companies do not end up in a situation of legal uncertainty, which could possibly jeopardize their existence. The problem is that one or more applications may be required for a wide variety of legal matters, such as building permits, permits under water law, nature conservation law or energy law, but above all a permit from the trade authority.

The authorities have very different requirements for the project and submission documents. However, the expertise regarding these legal requirements and the necessary resources for extensive project planning are often not available in companies. However, if these documents are not submitted to the responsible authority, or are submitted incompletely or with formal errors, this can lead to delays in the approval process and thus to delays in operation.

In order to ensure a quick and smooth process in the procedure, we therefore offer you our support through competent and experienced experts for almost all legal areas in the following points:

Evaluation of the necessary permits for a project
Inspection of notifications or files at the authorities in order to avoid duplicate approvals
Contacting and visiting the authorities in advance, as well as assistance during the procedure
Support in the preparation of the required submission documents (general description of operation, list of machinery, plans, etc.)

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