Medical engineering

TÜV AUSTRIA has been serving customers domestically since 1872 and is now active internationally in more than 40 countries. Years of experience and know-how pertaining to state-of-the-art technology, regulations, legislation, and risks make TÜV AUSTRIA a competent partner with the highest degree of acceptance in the business world, by the public, and government agencies.


Whether planning, commissioning, advanced development, or testing: TÜV AUSTRIA is your individual partner who will support you right from the start in order to implement medical device applications reliably and securely.


TÜV AUSTRIA Medical Engineering offers comprehensive services in the following areas:

Ongoing technical safety testing of medical devices (oTST/STK)
Metrological control – Calibration of medical devices
High voltage systems in health facilities
Inspection of medical gas pipe installations
Hygiene testing for bedpan disinfection
Thermoelectric measurement of small steam sterilizers
Consistency testing of X-ray equipment
Technical safety officer (TSO)
Safety expert in health facilities
Reports and incident investigation

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