Accredited and internationally established Italian certification company adds key environmental and security certification competencies to leading testing, inspection and certification organisation.
A renowned staple in international certification business, Padua-based Q.C.B. Italia SRL, which operates in the Italian territory as well as Albania, Iran and Saudi Arabia, now complements the far-reaching portfolio of TÜV AUSTRIA Group. The Austrian organisation of 55 companies in over 27 countries has been keen on providing its customers access to Q.C.B.’s specialised certification services.

Expanstion of Certification Business in Italy
Quality Certification Bureau Italia SRL, was acquired by TÜV AUSTRIA HOLDING AG as a 100% subsidiary. TÜV AUSTRIA Group’s Italy country manager Crescenzo Di Fratta exudes enthusiasm: “This organic business opportunity literally presented itself”, citing ACCREDIA accreditations for the certification of quality management systems according to ISO 9001, for ISO 14001 environmental management, as well as in the field of fluorinated greenhouse gas in compliance with EU Regulation n. 517/2014, and according to UNI 10891 and UNI CEI EN 50518 for security firms, as valuable additions for TÜV AUSTRIA’s customer base.
Former QCB owners Renato Rossi and Nicoletta Menegon look forward to establishing QCB’s specialised services in TÜV AUSTRIA’s on-going digitalisation of solutions: “It is rewarding to be inducted in the demanding TIC business, to add value to the premium services customers love TÜV AUSTRIA for”. Rossi and Menegon emphasise that although the inclusion of accreditations for Italian standards – such as UNI 10891 and UNI CEI EN 50518 for security firms – suggests a focus on Italy, QCB will be internationally integrated in TÜV AUSTRIA Group, which achieved a record revenue of €230 mio. in 2020 as one of the TIC companies to post a profit despite the crisis.
In Italy, country manager Crescenzo di Fratta’s plans for extending TÜV AUSTRIA Italia’s certification arm are afoot: “ACCREDIA accreditation, the authorization from the Ministry of Interior, the exemplary energy of QCB auditors all combine into a rich solutions tool set for existing customers”. It is another step to refining TÜV AUSTRIA Italia’s increasingly diversified portfolio that, Di Fratta points out, is suited for many business sectors. Following the inclusion of OK compost and OK Recycled certification schemes, Quality Certification Bureau therefore will not only further leverage TÜV AUSTRIA Italia’s reach but also solidify TÜV AUSTRIA Group’s role as an integrated end-to-end partner connecting technology – and living the future today.
TÜV AUSTRIA supports Burkina Faso school project
Project Nanoro
Bethel High School Opening in Sight
Three years after the start of construction, the Nanoro project is nearing completion. The buildings have been erected, the photovoltaic system has been installed, and in October Bethel High School will open its doors to the first 300 students. TÜV AUSTRIA has been supporting the project since 2019.
The Seal of Quality for Artificial Intelligence
Austria’s first AI testing and qualification hub
TÜV AUSTRIA and the Software Competence Center Hagenberg (SCCH) announced the founding of Austria’s first AI testing and qualification hub at a press conference with the Governor of Upper Austria Mag. Thomas Stelzer and the Provincial Minister for Economics and Research Markus Achleitner.
TÜV AUSTRIA acquires NTI-Italia S.r.l.
Portfolio expansion in Italy
The company has established itself successfully on the Italian market, especially in the field of periodic inspection of work equipment.