TÜV AUSTRIA AKADEMIE GMBH is Austria’s best seminar provider in the INDUSTRIEMAGAZIN ranking!


The TÜV AUSTRIA Academy was named the best overall provider in the major industry magazine ranking.

Once a year, INDUSTRIEMAGAZIN selects the best seminar providers in Austria in various categories, including the overall provider.

A panel of 300 decision-makers from industrial companies as well as 300 employees with seminar experience evaluated 91 providers of training courses in terms of quality. The offer of the TÜV AUSTRIA Academy, the educational institute of the TÜV AUSTRIA Group, was voted number 1 in the overall provider category.

We say: “Thank you!” to all our customers who helped us achieve this top ranking. Proof that we have successfully mastered the special challenges of this time – and are also well equipped for the future.

TÜV AUSTRIA AKADEMIE GMBH ist bester Seminaranbieter Österreichs im INDUSTRIEMAGAZIN-Ranking! V.l.n.r.: Thomas Rochowansky, MBA, Teamleiter Lerndienstleistungen TÜV AUSTRIA AKADEMIE GMBH, Mag. (FH) Christian Bayer, Geschäftsführer TÜV AUSTRIA AKADEMIE GMBH, Corinna Wölfer, BSc, Teamleiterin Personen- & Ingenieur-Zertifizierung (C) TÜV AUSTRIA
TÜV AUSTRIA Academy is Austria’s best seminar provider in the annual INDUSTRIEMAGAZIN ranking! F.l.t.r.: Thomas Rochowansky, MBA, Team Leader Training Services TÜV AUSTRIA Academy, Mag. (FH) Christian Bayer, General Manager TÜV AUSTRIA Academy, Corinna Wölfer, BSc, Team Leader, Personnel and Engineer Certification (C) TÜV AUSTRIA

Quality counts

The trend toward even higher quality was evident in the overall provider category, among others. Last year’s winner, the WIFI – Economic Development Institute of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber, was able to improve its image score compared to the previous year, but it was not enough for first place. A very special success for the TÜV AUSTRIA Academy! In third place is the ICC Austria International Chamber of Commerce.

For us, the rating as “Best Seminar Provider in Austria” is both a confirmation and a mandate to fulfill educational requirements of people and organizations with the highest quality standards, the best service and, above all, the most effective transfer of learning into practice. In doing so, we experience the appreciative cooperation with all customers, instructors and employees as a key success factor, thank you very much!”, says Thomas Rochowansky, Head of Learning Services.

Christian Bayer, Managing Director of TÜV AUSTRIA Akademie, does not see the award as the most important issue for his customers: “Training and further education is a targeted investment in employees, their competence and ability to implement. Practical orientation, benefits and motivation far outweigh the conditions. At the TÜV AUSTRIA Academy, we notice the great demand for flexible, compact educational offers – in presence, online or combined – and for a competent network.”

The seminar provider ranking was carried out by brandscore.at on behalf of INDUSTRIEMAGAZIN. The basis for the ranking was the image value that a seminar provider could achieve. The value one stands for the best possible image, five for the worst possible image. The evaluation was also based on a study of how seminar providers deal with current challenges such as pandemics and digitization.

TÜV AUSTRIA AKADEMIE GMBH: Austria’s Best Overall Seminar Provider – tuv-academy.at

TÜV AUSTRIA Vorstände Stefan Haas, CEO (l), und Christoph Wenninger, CFO (r), überreichten den Bethel High School-Projektinitiatoren Jacques Konkobo und Peter Klein (Mitte, v.l.n.r.) eine Spende von €15.000,- (C) TÜV AUSTRIA Mario Koller

TÜV AUSTRIA supports Burkina Faso school project

Project Nanoro
Bethel High School Opening in Sight

Three years after the start of construction, the Nanoro project is nearing completion. The buildings have been erected, the photovoltaic system has been installed, and in October Bethel High School will open its doors to the first 300 students. TÜV AUSTRIA has been supporting the project since 2019.

v.l.: Dipl.-Umweltwiss. Mag. Markus Manz (CEO Software Competence Center Hagenberg (SCCH)), Wirtschafts- und Forschungs-Landesrat Markus Achleitner, Landeshauptmann Mag. Thomas Stelzer und DI Dr. Stefan Haas (CEO TÜV AUSTRIA) (c) Land OÖ/Peter Mayr


The Seal of Quality for Artificial Intelligence
Austria’s first AI testing and qualification hub

TÜV AUSTRIA and the Software Competence Center Hagenberg (SCCH) announced the founding of Austria’s first AI testing and qualification hub at a press conference with the Governor of Upper Austria Mag. Thomas Stelzer and the Provincial Minister for Economics and Research Markus Achleitner.


Gianni Esposito_Crescenzo die Fratta_c_TÜV AUSTRIA


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Portfolio expansion in Italy

The company has established itself successfully on the Italian market, especially in the field of periodic inspection of work equipment.

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Projekt Nanoro | Verwaltungsgebäude | Bethel High School in Burkina Faso
TÜV AUSTRIA Vorstände Stefan Haas, CEO (l), und Christoph Wenninger, CFO (r), überreichten den Bethel High School-Projektinitiatoren Jacques Konkobo und Peter Klein (Mitte, v.l.n.r.) eine Spende von €15.000,- (C) TÜV AUSTRIA Mario Koller
v.l.: Dipl.-Umweltwiss. Mag. Markus Manz (CEO Software Competence Center Hagenberg (SCCH)), Wirtschafts- und Forschungs-Landesrat Markus Achleitner, Landeshauptmann Mag. Thomas Stelzer und DI Dr. Stefan Haas (CEO TÜV AUSTRIA) (c) Land OÖ/Peter Mayr
Gianni Esposito_Crescenzo die Fratta_c_TÜV AUSTRIA

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